(My dad and I have gone to a swimming hole with my uncle, my two young cousins, a close family friend, and her daughter. My uncle is adopted, and not the same race as the rest of the family. My older cousin seems to get along great with the friend’s daughter, who is about the same age as her (8/9-ish), and I’m hopeful of a budding friendship there. As we are walking back to the cars, I try to ‘casually’ figure out if they could become school friends.)
Me: “So, [Daughter] will be going to [local school]?”
Friend: “Yep.”
Me: “Do you think she might be in the same class as [Cousin]?
Daughter: “No, I’m going into grade five, and [Cousin]’s school only goes up to grade four.”
Friend: “Yeah, [Cousin]’s school is a First Nations school, and it only goes up to grade four.”
Cousin: “What’s First Nations?
(We can’t help but chuckle a bit at this before we respond.)
Me: Well, you are, pookie.”
Cousin: “But what does it MEAN?”
Me: “Well, before the white people came, your people were here first. You’re the native people.”
Cousin: “Oh. Okay.” *happily goes back to playing with her brother and white friend*
(My dad, the friend, and I just kind of looked at each other and smiled. And if anyone is wondering why my cousin didn’t know the term ‘First Nations,’ she has been taught her native tongue and the proper words for her people & tribe. She just didn’t know the anglicized version.)
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